Dental filling warranty Is provided when the patient:
- lost the filling, not a crashed piece of it or in case of the treated toof damage caused by mechanical factors that are constantly present in the oral cavity
- it is possible to treat in stillness conditions with operating field dryness preservation and necessary time for the particular treatment. These involve both succedaneous and deciduous teeth filling
Children who cry, yank and do not allow to dry the oral cavity with saliva ejector do not suit the above requirements. They are treated on parent’s request with no warranty concerning filling stability.
Unwanted complications after treatment, such as: pain, trismus, oedema, impostume, bleeding after the treatment or allergic drug reaction are possible despite the highest diligence of the staff. Appointments aside from the treatment are not included in the price of treatment.
Prosthetic warranty is provided when the patient:
- has finished planned treatment
- lives by doctor’s orders in oral cavity hygiene and prosthetic complementation
- comes for appointments at least semiannual intervals or according to the timetable stated with a doctor
- reports any anomalies in prosthetic complementation functioning
- does not make any self corrections
- has not met with the accident during which prosthetic damage occurred
- does not suffer from bruxism ( grinding of teeth) and in case of occurring does not use the ocdusal splints regularly or refuses making them
- does not suffer from progressive bone atrophy leading to faster plate settlement
- has not damaged the plates outside the oval cavity